Saturday, January 13, 2007

I'd just like to once again point out the obvious. Basically, why the political leadership of Australia, America and much of the rest of the west is full of shit. John Howard responded to Bush's speech regarding more troops for Iraq by claiming that if there was not a continued military presence in Iraq and Allied forces withdrew it would be a win for terrorism. Let us follow a little train of logic on this,

1. there were no 'terrorists' in Iraq prior to the American invasion,

2. the original reason for invading Iraq was because Iraq had weapons of mass destruction (which it didn't),

3. it is generally understood, even admitted by American military leaders, that much of the violence in Iraq is being caused by civil war between rival religious groups.

This is the problem with the concept of 'terrorism'. What is terrorism to you? What is a terrorist to you? Is a US soldier who sits in a tank and fires shells at residential housing a terrorist or is the 16 year old Iraqi kid who fires back with a Russian made AK-47 the terrorist? Who is more morally in the right? Who's cause is more important? Whose blood is more valuable?

Who started it!? And should that really matter?

What really troubles me is that because John Howard has made a decade long career out of feeding the public bullshit, the public mindset has become bullshit. Orwell named it 'doublespeak'. Where you use language in a way which destroys meaning. You know what you're saying is bullshit, but you say it anyway, at the same time believing in it yourself if you're really good at it. Look it up on google for more definitions, or read George Orwell, 1984.

Anyway, enough of that. Also, beware of French-Canadians. I won't go any further than that but they have special powers which you should watch out for. Especially if you're competing with them to chase women.

1 comment:

deemacgee said...

Beautifully said.